This project is one of the two sister builds I have made, the second can been seen below. This project consists of a massive Tree I have made shooting out of a structure in the ocean, it is complete with floating islands and intese lush greenery around the build. To date this project has taken me in excess of 300 hours and it isnt even complete yet!
This project is the second of the aformentioned sister builds. It consists of a lava lake with an ancient demon chained in place inside it, hands shooting out of the lava with its flesh burning and peeling off being exposed to the air. The entire build is surrounded by various environments and features. This build took close to 350 hours to finish and I am extremely proud of it.
While this image may not appear as impressive in grandure to the previous two images, it was my first attempt at small scale detailing. I have come a long way since but this being my first it holds a special place to me. With small mushrooms on the left and a swing on the right this environment has a very particular air of peace and quiet to it.